There is no substitute for regional economic knowledge. Every economic analysis requires understanding and familiarity with the details, as well as an impartial focus. Rather than tailoring our findings to what clients want to hear, our models are custom built for the nuances of the questions being asked. In a world where resources are scarce, high-quality research is the best defense against misallocation of those scarce resources. We at Recon Insight Group have seen what happens when flawed analyses result in projects, firms, and municipalities going down a road they can’t recover from. It is why we are passionate about accuracy. We don’t call it data driven, we don’t call it findings, we call it actionable intelligence.
Why Regional?
Our Methodology
About Us
What is Actionable Intelligence?
There is a need for high-quality and affordable economic tools at the local level. High-quality, state-of-the-art models are prohibitively expensive, and, although national and state governments can afford these complicated tools, most economic decisions are not made at the national and state levels. Colleges and Universities are overlooked by legislators because another industry reported inflated returns. Communities receive glowing reviews of their economic development plans but are left holding an albatross. This is why Recon Insight seeks to provide quality, but affordable, actionable intelligence.
Our research focuses on Impact and Contribution analyses. We use Input-Output and CGE models of the economies, often explicitly embedding economic theories from the branches of industrial organization, international trade, and development. While we use the most up to date and accurate data in our models, none of that will matter if the appropriate tradeoffs are not being accounted for. To that end, each of our models are custom built to account for the nuances of the question being asked. This requires listening to all of the local stakeholders, as well as understanding the risks and constraints that exist in the models and analyses.
Timothy Nadreau, Ph.D. is an independent research economist and has been doing economic consulting since 2006. During the academic year Dr. Nadreau serves as a research economist at Washington State University’s IMPACT Center. He is the managing editor of Washington Agribusiness: Status and Outlook. He has been an instructor and curriculum designer in NYU’s School of Professional Sciences. Prior to that he led a team of consultants at Economic Modeling Specialists Int. (Emsi) where he conducted impact and investment analysis, provided expert witness testimony, and established quality control metrics for the company. Prior to joining Emsi, Dr. Nadreau received a bachelor’s degree in theoretical mathematics from the University of Idaho. He completed a master’s degree in applied economics at University of Idaho in 2011 and was awarded the Iddings fellowship for his work on optimal public investments. He defend his Ph.D. dissertation in the fall of 2018 wherein he focuses on economic development strategies and improved impact and general equilibrium analyses. Currently Dr. Nadreau consults on a range of regional economic development initiatives. He has completed studies on everything from Native American wines to electricity transmission to housing studies.